Photo of mirta berdión Argentina

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Exhibitions carried out

  • 2013, Facultad de la Matanza .Muestra Colectiva \"[-]uatro\" en Espacio Diez.Concejo Deliberante de Morón. Casa Cassará.Cafe Tortoni.Casa Curutchet.
  • 2012, Muestra de Artes Visuales (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Expoartistas Centro Cultural Borges.
  • 2011, Muestra de Artes Visuales \"Compromiso\" Honorable Senado de la Nación. Salón Municipal de Artes Plásticas Luis Gualchi-Municipalidad de Exaltación de la Cruz.Galería Espacio Diez. Expoartistas Centro Cultural Borges.
  • 2010, Muestra de Artes Visuales Museo Roca. Espacio de Arte Casa de San Luis. Muestra Colectiva \"[-]uatro\" en UCES (Universidad de Cs. Empresariales y Sociales). Salón Nacional de Pintura Fermín Amador. Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Lujan. Museo Antonio Bal
  • 2009, Arte Sacro, Punta Indio. San Telmo, Centro de Capitanes de Ultramar y oficiales de la Marina Mercante Centro Cultural Rateriy, Mar del Plata
  • 2008, Hotel Howard Jonson
  • 2008, Hotel Howard Jonson
  • 2007, Bandrines, Centro Universitario de Idiomas
  • 2005, Casa de la Cultura de Ramos Mejía. Miguel Carlos Victorica. Madero Coffee

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  • Verified artists profiles Trusted Artist
  • Artelista collects the work in the artist's workshop after validating that everything is correct and takes it directly to your home. We insure the work during shipment with Allianz Seguros ™
  • A secure platform: The artist does not receive the money until you confirm that everything is fine
  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
  • Works with certificate of authenticity
  • Telephone support

How do I make the payment?

  • Payments are made online, through Artelista's secure system. Click on the "Add to cart" button and select the payment method you prefer.
  • Shipping costs covered by Artelista
See everything we offer you!
35.43 x 35.43 in
31.50 x 27.56 in
31.50 x 27.56 in
31.50 x 27.56 in
35.43 x 27.56 in
35.43 x 31.50 in
35.43 x 31.50 in
35.43 x 31.50 in
31.50 x 35.43 in

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